Spoken December 17
Cc. Madhya 20.255-281
Prabhupāda: " kriyā-śakti-pradhāna saṅkarṣaṇa balarāma prākṛtāprākṛta-sṛṣṭi karena nirmāṇa" So out of three transcendental propensities of the Supreme Lord, icchā-śakti, jñāna-śakti and kriyā-śakti, the kriyā-śakti, that is represented by, or the controller of the
Room Conversation
Prabhupāda: That is the same... Guest [1] [Indian man]: Māyāvādīs may die like that, imagining... [Hindi] Ara saba bhṛtya. Prabhupāda: Yes. They are after, inquiring after Brahmān, but nobody could give them. So they have got it. Now they are taking it. This is stage. [Hindi] That is the stage, Haṁsadūta:Prabhupāda:Guest [2] [Indian man]:Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:…
SB 6.1.27-34
Prabhupāda: " sa evaṁ vartamānaḥ ajñaḥ mṛtyu-kāla upasthite matiṁ cakāra tanaye bāle nārāyaṇa-āhvaye [SB 6.1.27]" So Ajāmila, at the point of his death, just remembered his youngest son, who was named Nārāyaṇa. So the Nārāyaṇa, very name, has got the full potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa. That is the secret of this Yamunā:Prabhupāda:Yamunā:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Revatīnandana:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Revat…
Chanting Cc Ādi-līlā 10th and 11th Chapter
The Trunk, Branches and Subbranches of the Caitanya Tree " śrī-caitanya-padāmbhoja- madhupebhyo namo namaḥ kathañcid āśrayād yeṣāṁ śvāpi tad-gandha-bhāg bhavet" Let me repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances unto the beelike devotees who always taste the honey of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. If even a doggish nondevotee somehow takes shelter of such devotees, he enjoys the aroma of the lotus flower.
Morning Walk
Prajāpati: ...need for God. Prabhupāda: Huh? Prajāpati: Need for God. Prabhupāda: Need for God. Yes. Scientist, you are also writing? Svarūpa Dāmodara: Yes, Śrīla Prabhupāda. Yes. Prabhupāda: There is need. [break] ...not falling down. Why the law of gravitation is violated? Svarūpa Dāmodara: They say the cells are alive when thePrabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Karandhara:Prabhupāda:Karandhara:Prabhupāda:Karandhara:Prabhupāda:Karandhara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa Dāmodara:Prabhupāda:Svarūpa …
SB 1.15.39
Nitāi: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [leads chanting of verse] [Prabhupāda and devotees repeat] " mathurāyāṁ tathā vajraṁ śūrasena-patiṁ tataḥ prājāpatyāṁ nirūpyeṣṭim agnīn apibad īśvaraḥPrabhupāda:Nitāi:Prabhupāda:Nitāi:Prabhupāda:Devotees:
SB 3.26.5
Prabhupāda: [chants jaya rādhā-mādhava.] [00:13] [break] Nitāi: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [Prabhupāda and devotees repeat] [leads chanting of verse, etc.] " guṇair vicitrāḥ sṛjatīṁPrabhupāda:
Morning Walk
Dr. Patel: [Hindi---Dr. Patel and another man] The country is already murdered. What are you talking of murder now? Indian man: I don’t want to talk of these things. [Hindi] Prabhupāda: [Hindi] Dr. Patel: They have gone mad now, sir. Actually they have ransacked the morality of this land, and they are going to ransack the even social conditions. [Hindi] I have got one rifle, one gun, one revolver and one pistol. I am keeping always with me now. [Hindi] [to Indian man] I canPrabh…
Bg 3.25 Lecture
Prabhupāda: " saktāḥ karmaṇy avidvāṁso yathā kurvanti bhārata kuryād vidvāṁs tathāsaktaś cikīrṣur loka-saṅgraham [Bg. 3.25]" There are two classes of men: vidvān, learned, and the fools, not learned, mean as the fool. Human being, they are, of course, very intelligent than the animals. But amongst themselves there are more intelligent, less intelligent. On the whole, they are more intelligent than the animals.Devotees:
Letters December 17
Blanche Hochner My dear Blanche Hochner, Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter Nov. 21. I reply late because I have come back to San Francisco on the 14th Dec. I can understand your position in Krishna Consciousness from your letter and I reply it appears that Krishna Consciousness is acting upon you. You very rightly say that we cannot really give anything to Krishna because...
My dear Indira dasi (Iris Mendoza) and My Dear Ekayani dasi (Esther Mendoza), Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters and I am very glad to note the contents. I can understand that you have considerably advanced in Krishna Consciousness because your heart is simple. Girls and women are generally very soft hearted and they take things very easily, but then there is also chance...
My dear Lilasukha Dasi, Please accept my blessings. Your letter of Nov. 26, 1967, received along with your beads. I have sanctified your beads last evening when I initiated two other boys Cidananda and Krishna das. I am very glad to know that you are realizing Krishna Consciousness. The more you chant, the more you will realize.
My dear Ananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 13, 1968 along with the Hare Krishna Mantra card. I am glad that you have already started a center in small scale and please try to improve it as far as possible. There is no question of doing anything very hastily so please try to make steady, even if slow, progress. So far as the Indian population is concerned,...
My dear Gaurasundara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 12, 1968 and I have noted the contents. I am glad that you have also received my previously sent letters. I have also handed over your letter for Govinda Dasi.
Lilasukha My dear Lilasukha, Please accept my blessings. With great pleasure I have read your letter of December 9, 1968. I thank you for your kind sentiments expressed and your nice attitude of humbleness and devotion. It is very good that you and the other girls are preaching in school to your class mates. This will bring the greatest benefit not only to them but also it will help you to progress...
Chagan Govinda 74 Arodene Road London S.W.2. Dear Mr. Govinda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your very kind letter of December 3, 1968 along with three omkar buttons. I thank you very much for these. In the Bhagavad-gita, this omkar is mentioned as being the sound representation of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly the Hare Krishna Mantra is also...
My dear Sivananda, Please accept my blessings. I have just received your letter dated December 14, 1968 and I have noted the contents with some surprise. You have written that you will soon be leaving Hamburg and this news has caused me some distress. I have always been glad that you were in Germany to take care of the temple and you have written that Krishna Das is also disturbed at this sudden...
Calcutta My dear Jayapataka Maharaja, Please accept my blessings and offer the same to Madhudvisa Maharaja, Sagar Maharaja and Acyutananda Maharaja as well as all the other Prabhus there. I am in due receipt of your several letters and telegram dated November 28th, December 4th, 5th, and 9th, & 13rd, 1970, and have gone over the contents. I have just arrived in Surat from Indore and I have received...
My dear Jagadisa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge your letter of November 28, 1971, and I am pleased to see that things are going on nicely in Canada under your supervision. I am especially glad that you are having so many festivals in the colleges and schools. Do you sell many books there? That is the success of your festival
My dear Sons and Daughters, Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Sri Galim I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. I have given you the spiritual names as follows
My dear Nityananda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 3, 1971, and I am very happy to hear that you have got a new son to raise as a great devotee of Krishna. You may call him Bhakta Vimal Das. So long as a devotee is not initiated he should have Bhakta before his name, if he is a male, Bhaktin if she is a girl.
Dallas My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 6, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I am especially pleased that your Gurukula project is going forward nicely. I consider that this is one of our most important projects, because people in general are only suffering due to poor fund of knowledge. So if we have facility...
Sri Galim My dear Sri Galim, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 4, 1971, along with the several pages of poetry from all the nice devotees at Austin temple. I thank you all very much for your kind sentiments. I am also very glad to accept Bill Walsh, Sue Walsh and Hayden Larsen, upon your recommendation, as my duly initiated disciples. I am also replying...
Los Angeles My dear Danavir, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 27, 1972, and I note that you are requesting to take the sannyasa order of life. But if you have got wife, that will be difficult. If someone devotee has got wife, that will not become a very popular policy to grant so easily sannyasa. And if your wife wants many children, that is the...
Name withheld Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 30th, 1972, wherein I am so shocked to hear from you that you have left your good wife for some time to have sex-life with another girl, who is also a devotee, and that she is now pregnant with your child. That is most disturbing to me. But I know that all big leaders are falling victim to sex-life....
Ann Arbor, Michigan My dear Badrinarayana, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 27/10/74 and have noted the contents carefully. I am always happy to hear of the wonderful activities of spreading Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Dallas My dear Jitaprana, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10/10/74, and have noted the contents. Your desire for leading a sankirtana party, preaching and travelling is a very good one and I suggest that you talk to your temple president or GBC and try to arrange such a program if it is possible. If we sincerely try to serve Krsna then He will give you...
Cobourg, Canada Dear Mr. Quinn, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 1, 1974, and have noted the contents. Thank you for your kind sentiments. You are a very fortunate person that you have come into contact with our Krsna Consciousness movement. The perfection of human life is to somehow or another advance in spiritual life and achieve love of Godhead and go back...
Parvati Bhaktivedanta Manor My dear Parvati, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. Thank you for your kind sentiments. You should try to become expert at making these nice milk products. The cow is the most wonderful animal and she is so beneficial for human society, giving so many gifts in the form of milk products. And you...
Sri Mohan Mazumdar Calcutta Dear Sri Mohan Mazumdar, Please accept my greetings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter in Bengali dated 10.12.74 and have noted the contents with care. Regarding your proposal for preparing a film on the life and precepts of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I am ready to help with my men but it is not possible for me to make the financial help. If you can arrange with...
Mayapur My dear Jayapataka Swami, Please accept my blessings. I beg to inform you that this time while coming from Delhi to Bombay I saw one Mr. M.N. Chandhuri he is a very nice gentleman and important West Bengal Government officer, he is in charge of the department of development and planning, government of West Bengal. His office is at Raj Bhavan, Calcutta. He wanted to help me in any way in the...
Sriman M.N. Chaudhuri, Dept. of Development and Planning, Government of West Bengal, Raj Bhavan, Calcutta Dear Sriman Chaudhur, Please accept my blessings. I am very pleased to meet you the other day at the airport of Delhi. I think it was ordained by Lord Krishna because I need your help in the service of Lord Krishna.
Mahamsa Hyderabad My dear Mahamsa Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9 December 1975. I am pleased to note that everything is progressing nicely. Regarding the loan you do not have to repay it immediately, but as soon as possible.
Bridesville, B.C., Canada My dear Rocana das, Please accept my blessings. Thank you for your letter dated November 30, 1975. First of all produce your own food grain, milk and vegetables, eat as much as absolutely necessary, don’t eat more, and in this way keep your health. Follow the regulative principles and then if there is time left over you can divert your attention. But I think you should...
Atlanta My dear Svarupa Damodara Prabhu, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 29, 1975. I have noted the contents carefully. Your book is selling very nicely in south India, people are appreciating it very much. This scientific book should be done very carefully, so that people in general may not be mislead by the over intelligent scientists. There...
Ahmedabad My dear Yasomatinandana Prabhu, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 11, 1975, I have noted the contents carefully. The program you have outlined is very nice, however I cannot go on long time procession because I am called by nature, I can go at most one hour.
Bhaktivedanta Manor My dear Jayatirtha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due reciept of your letter dated December 1st, 1976 from South Africa. That the devotees refuse to follow those who do not keep strictly to the regulative principles is very nice. These practices are our spiritual strength.
Stockholm My dear Vegavan, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 76/12/03. Regarding the question you have asked, you can give a very straight answer. Bhagavad-gita says, “dehantara praptih” (Bg. 2.13). The soul transmigrates, but there is no regular process. In the beginning of creation, when all the world was water, all living entities were aquatics. Then gradually...

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