Spoken March 23
Jagannātha Deities Installation, SB 1.2.13-14
Prabhupāda: Without devotion, simply we go on hearing for millions of years, oh, that will not also not earn[?]. It is here... Bhaktyā śruta-gṛhītayā. This is the process of understanding absolute knowledge. Please note these points, what are the process. First thing is that one must be faithful. Second thing is that he must be thoughtful. The third thing is that he must have knowledge. What is that knowledge? Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (3):Prabhupāda:Gu…
Morning Walk at Stow Lake
Devotee [1] [girl]: March 23rd, Stow Lake, walk with Swamiji. Prabhupāda: First thing is that calculation of Candra, moon planet, there are different views. Different scientists, they have different views. It is not a standard. They have not agreed to the... Somebody says something, somebody says another thing. Speculation. ThatŚarādīyā:Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Mālatī:Prabhupāda:Devotee (1):P…
Prabhupāda: So the first question is, “What is the practice you preach?” Yes. We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily. So our preaching is to reinstate the living soul to his original condition. The original condition of living being is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As such, the part and parcel is meant for rendering service to th…
Morning Walk
Prabhupāda: The point is that these daityas are elected by the daityas. Dr. Patel: Now, sometimes even they were liked, the daityas. When they have the samudra-mathana, even the devas went to the daityas to help them. So it is... I mean, that is not so. We have to take the help of Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Trivikrama:Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Dr. Patel:Indian man (2):Dr. Patel:Indian man (2):Dr. Patel:Prabhupāda:Dr. Pate…
Arrival Talk in Room
Prabhupāda: ...offering his blessings upon you. You are fulfilling his mission. He wanted that European, American should come here. It is all Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s blessing. Hare Kṛṣṇa. So there is no scarcity of space for keeping all the devotees?Bhavānanda:Prabhupāda:Bhavānanda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Jayapatākā:Prabhupāda:Acyutānanda:Prabhupā…
SB 1.2.8 [Hindi]
[final proofreading pending] Nitāi: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. [devotees repeat] [leads chanting of verse, etc.] " dharmaḥ svanuṣṭhitaḥ puṁsāṁ viṣvaksena-kathāsu yaḥPrabhupāda:Devotees:Prabhupada:Prabhupada:Devotees:Devotee:Prabhupada:Devotee:Prabhupada:
SB 2.3.18-19
Prabhupāda: ...Bhavānanda Swami, to recite two or three verses from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, which is the theme of our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Read it. The verse begins with taravaḥ kiṁ na jīvanti. Read that verse. Bhavānanda: " taravaḥ kiṁ na jīvantiPrabhupāda:Girirāja:Lokanātha:Girirāja:Lady:Girirāja:Prabhupāda:Guest (1):Prabhupāda:Guest (2):Prabhupāda:Guest (3):Prabhupāda:Guest (4):Prabhupāda:Guest (5):Prabhupāda:Guest (6):Prabhupāda:Guest (7):Prabhupāda:Prabhupāda:Devotee:Bhavānanda:Prabh…
Letters March 23
New York My dear Hansadutta, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 7, 1968, and I thank you very much for your encouraging news of the Sankirtana party. Please confer my blessings upon your very good wife, Himavati, and I am so pleased that she can sew nicely, and make the costumes for the Sankirtana party. It is very wonderful that you have secured already some...
Allston, MA My dear Pradyumna, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 20, 1968, regarding your illness. So long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can. I am forwarding your letter to Brahmananda for taking care of your hospital charges;...
My dear Rayarama, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 20, 1968, and I thank you for it very much. I am happy to hear you have finished Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and it is all turning out very encouraging. Brahmananda has done nicely both the Gita and TLC, now he has to make sales organization and that credit is awaiting him.
United Shipping Corporation 14/2, Old China Bazar Street Room No. 18, Calcutta 1. Dear Sirs, In reference to your letter No. F-38/I-138, dated March 18, 1968, addressed to my New York office, I beg to send you herewith four copies of invoices, as requested by you, with certificate of statement that previously I did not import any books against Rs 33,705/86.
New York My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. Regarding the United Shipping Corporation, I have sent them the necessary 4 copies of invoice and certificate, and asked them to send one statement of account for our . In future, I think we have to select very nice shipping agent, because we have undergone so much botheration this time. Please send one complete list of goods received. I am...
Brahmananda My dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of March 19, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. Yes, you can accept the class on the 8th instant in the City College. I am going to S.F. on the 31st, so on receipt of your passage money, I shall start on the 7th April, reaching N.Y. sometimes in the evening. And I shall be glad to meet the...
My dear Dayala Nitai, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your very nice letter of March 19th, and I can understand how you are feeling. Yes, you must fix up in your mind to spread this message to the French population with our BTG and other books, that is my request. I thank you for sending me the second copy of BTG French edition. So now my only request to you, and especially both...
Himavati My dear Himavati, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your nice long letter of March 17, 1969, and I thank you very much for it. Your feelings of appreciation are too much kind, and I can see you are making good advancement with your humble attitude of service to the Lord and His devotees. This is very nice. Yes that is the way
My dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter. I am very much pleased to note the list of engagements you have submitted, and I can see you have been working very hard to secure so many opportunities for spreading K.C. Yes, within those days stated in your letter of March 20th you can add more engagements as you like. I have no objection. I have not yet received...
Boston My dear Candanacarya, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 30th November, 1970. Please forgive this late reply but due to my travelling, much of my mail has been delayed. I have received the enclosed copies of BTG, numbers 36-38 and they are very nice. The layout made by you and the others are completely satisfactory. Thank you very much. I have again...
Sriman Hayagriva Das Adhikary New Vrndavana RD3, Moundsville, WV 26041, U.S.A. Akash-Ganga, 89, Warden Road; Bombay-26; India My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings and offer the same to your good wife Shamadasi and your brave son Samba. I was very glad to hear from you and the news that you have expanded our New Vrndavana scheme by purchasing the land on the opposite ridge is most encouraging....
My dear Jananivasa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 19th February, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am so glad to note how things are steadily improving there in Columbus center, with new devotees coming, and that you are to acquire a new temple in the busiest quarter of town. That is very encouraging. Maitahili Devi is coming from L.A. to...
Calcutta My dear Giriraja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 13, 1972, and I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending. I am very much glad that you are doing so nicely in Calcutta by making many Life Members daily,...
Varanasi My dear Niranjana: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 12th of March and I have examined the contents with care. I think because I am travelling so much there is some problem in your letters reaching me. But now I want to leave so much travelling up to my able disciples and finish my translating work. So in a few days I am going to Bombay and...
Paris My dear Pusta Krsna: Please accept my blessings and I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 13th of March, with enclosures. Yes, your study program is nice. By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed. I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don
Satyabhama My dear Satyabhama: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 20, 1973 and I am replying late because of so much recent travelling. I am here for a few days only, then to Bombay and on the 1st to London for a few days before going on to L.A. via New York.
Kirtanananda New Vrindaban Dear Kirtanananda Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I have received from you the name of one devotee recommended for second initiation, namely Anadih das Brahmacari. So I am enclosing sacred thread and gayatri mantra. Have him hear the tape of me chanting the mantra through his right ear. Give him all good instruction and incorporate him into the New Vrindaban scheme...
Bhaktivedanta Manor Dear Mukunda, Please accept my blessings. Enclosed please find a recent letter which was mailed and addressed to me, by Sarva Suhrit. By this letter he has put into writing his criminal intentions. I think you know him also, and there is no telling what he may actually attempt to do. Therefore I want you to go to the proper Scotland Yard investigators and present the letter by...
Los Angeles Dear Murti das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter in which you propose to come to Vrindaban with your wife to help with deities, construction and preaching at our Krishna Balarama temple. After consulting with the authorities there, we all agree it would be a very good idea. So please make arrangements for your transfer here. Our Vrindaban...
Kirtanananda New Vrindaban My dear Kirtanananda Maharaja, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 8, 1976 and I have noted the contents carefully. Why should they complain the way we are living there? We have our cottages and we take our own food. However, if it is necessary to make alterations, you can do. Concerning plumbing indoors, that is not difficult. This...