Presentation Excerpt — July 23, 1973, London

Guild member: …here are made of a very inferior metal, in fact in lead. But we couldn’t think anything better than having this badge made for you in solid gold, twenty-four carat. And hereby we present it on behalf of the members of the Guild to you, our most beloved leader. 

Prabhupāda: Thank you very much. 

Devotees: Haribol, haribol! [applause] 

Prabhupāda: So? 

Devotees: All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. 

Prabhupāda: How it is to be used? 

Guild member: Just like this, m’Lord. Has a pin on it. 

Prabhupāda: Oh, I see. Thank you. 


[aside:] Betiye, saheb. Idara chair ne. [Hindi] 

Devotee: [quietly to Prabhupāda] Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, First Canto, first volume. 

Prabhupāda: Hmm. 

Devotee: [indistinct] Part One. Part One. 

Prabhupāda: This is Part One? 

Devotee: Yes. 

Prabhupāda: Betiye. [end] 

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