ime aṅgirasaḥ satram
āsate ‘dya sumedhasaḥ
ṣaṣṭhaṁ ṣaṣṭham upetyāhaḥ
kave muhyanti karmaṇi
ime—all these; angirasah—descendants of the dynasty of Aṅgirā; satram—sacrifice; asate—are performing; adya—today; sumedhasaḥ—who are all very intelligent; ṣaṣṭham—sixth; ṣaṣṭham—sixth; upetya—after achieving; ahaḥ—day; kave—O best of learned men; muhyanti—become bewildered; karmani—in discharging fruitive activities. ¶
Nābhāga’s father said: All the descendants of Aṅgirā are now going to perform a great sacrifice, but although they are very intelligent, on every sixth day they will be bewildered in performing sacrifice and will make mistakes in their daily duties. ¶
Nābhāga was very simple hearted. Therefore when he went to his father, the father, in compassion for his son, suggested that as a means of livelihood Nābhāga could go to the descendants of Aṅgirā and take advantage of their misgivings in performing yajña. ¶