evaṁ kuliṅgaṁ vilapantam ārāt
priyā-viyogāturam aśru-kaṇṭham
sa eva taṁ śākunikaḥ śareṇa
vivyādha kāla-prahito vilīnaḥ
evam—thus; kuliṅgam—the bird; vilapantam—while lamenting; ārāt—from a distance; priya-viyoga—because of the loss of his wife; āturam—very aggrieved; asru-kaṇṭham—with tears in the eyes; saḥ—he (that hunter); eva—indeed; tam—him (the male bird); śākunikaḥ—who could kill even a vulture; sarena—by an arrow; vivyādha—pierced; kala-prahitah—being moved by time; vilīnaḥ—hidden. ¶
Because of the loss of his wife, the kuliṅga bird lamented with tears in his eyes. Meanwhile, following the dictations of mature time, the hunter, who was very carefully hidden in the distance, released his arrow, which pierced the body of the kuliṅga bird and killed him. ¶