SB 5.26.32
ye tv iha vā anāgaso ‘raṇye grāme vā vaiśrambhakair upasṛtān upaviśrambhayya jijīviṣūn śūla-sūtrādiṣūpaprotān krīḍanakatayā yātayanti te ‘pi ca pretya yama-yātanāsu śūlādiṣu protātmānaḥ kṣut-tṛḍbhyāṁ cābhihatāḥ kaṅka-vaṭādibhiś cetas tatas tigma-tuṇḍair āhanyamānā ātma-śamalaṁ smaranti.
ye—persons who; tu—but; iha—in this life; va—or; anāgasaḥ—who are faultless; araṇye—in the forest; grāme—in the village; va—or; vaiśrambhakaiḥ—by means of good faith; upasṛtān—brought near; upaviśrambhayya—inspiring with confidence; jijīviṣūn—who want to be protected; śūla-sūtra-ādiṣu—on a lance, thread, and so on; upaprotān—fixed; krīḍanakatayā—like a plaything; yātayanti—cause pain; te—those persons; api—certainly; ca—and; pretya—after dying; yama-yātanāsu—the persecutions of Yamarāja; śūla-ādiṣu—on lances and so on; prota-atmanah—whose bodies are fixed; kṣut-tṛḍbhyām—by hunger and thirst; ca—also; abhihatah—overwhelmed; kanka-vata-ādibhiḥ—by birds such as herons and vultures; ca—and; itah tatah—here and there; tigma-tuṇḍaiḥ—having pointed beaks; ahanyamanah—being tortured; atma-śamalam—own sinful activities; smaranti—they remember. ¶
In this life some people give shelter to animals and birds that come to them for protection in the village or forest, and after making them believe that they will be protected, such people pierce them with lances or threads and play with them like toys, giving them great pain. After death such people are brought by the assistants of Yamarāja to the hell known as Śūlaprota, where their bodies are pierced with sharp, needlelike lances. They suffer from hunger and thirst, and sharp-beaked birds such as vultures and herons come at them from all sides to tear at their bodies. Tortured and suffering, they can then remember the sinful activities they committed in the past. ¶