SB 5.22.16

SB 5.22.16


tata upariṣṭād yojana-lakṣa-dvayāt pratīyamānaḥ śanaiścara ekaikasmin rāśau triṁśan māsān vilambamānaḥ sarvān evānuparyeti tāvadbhir anuvatsaraiḥ prāyeṇa hi sarveṣām aśāntikaraḥ.


tatah—that (Jupiter); upariṣṭāt—above; yojana-laksa-dvayāt—by a distance of 1,600,000 miles; pratīyamānaḥ—is situated; śanaiścaraḥ—the planet Saturn; eka-ekasmin—in one after another; rāśau—zodiac signs; triṁśat māsān—for a period of thirty months in each; vilam-bamānaḥ—lingering; sarvān—all twelve signs of the zodiac; eva—certainly; anuparyeti—passes through; tāvadbhiḥ—by so many; anuvatsaraiḥ—Anuvatsaras; prayena—almost always; hi—indeed; sarveṣām—to all the inhabitants; aśāntikaraḥ—very troublesome. 


Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter, or 12,000,000 miles above earth, is the planet Saturn, which passes through one sign of the zodiac in thirty months and covers the entire zodiac circle in thirty Anuvatsaras. This planet is always very inauspicious for the universal situation. 

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