SB 5.20.29


evam eva dadhi-maṇḍodāt parataḥ puṣkaradvīpas tato dvi-guṇāyāmaḥ samantata upakalpitaḥ samānena svādūdakena samudreṇa bahir āvṛto yasmin bṛhat-puṣkaraṁ jvalana-śikhāmala-kanaka-patrāyutāyutaṁ bhagavataḥ kamalāsanasyādhyāsanaṁ parikalpitam.


evam eva—thus; dadhi-manda-udāt—the ocean of yogurt; parataḥ—beyond; puṣkara-dvipah—another island, named Puṣkaradvīpa; tatah—than that (Śākadvīpa); dvi-guna-āyāmaḥ—whose measurement is twice as great; samantataḥ—on all sides; upakalpitah—surrounded; samānena—equal in width; svādu-udakena—possessing sweet water; samudreṇa—by an ocean; bahiḥ—outside; avrtah—surrounded; yasmin—in which; bṛhat—very big; puṣkaram—lotus flower; jvalana-sikha—like the flames of a blazing fire; amala—pure; kanaka—gold; patra—leaves; ayuta-ayutam—possessing 100,000,000; bhagavatah—greatly powerful; kamala āsanasya—of Lord Brahmā, whose sitting place is on the lotus flower; adhyāsanam—sitting place; parikalpitam—considered. 


Outside the ocean of yogurt is another island, known as Puṣkaradvīpa, which is 6,400,000 yojanas [51,200,000 miles] wide, twice as wide as the ocean of yogurt. It is surrounded by an ocean of very tasteful water as broad as the island itself. On Puṣkaradvīpa there is a great lotus flower with 100,000,000 pure golden petals, as effulgent as the flames of fire. That lotus flower is considered the sitting place of Lord Brahmā, who is the most powerful living being and who is therefore sometimes called bhagavān. 

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