ilāvṛte tu bhagavān bhava eka eva pumān na hy anyas tatrāparo nirviśati bhavānyāḥ śāpa-nimitta-jño yat-pravekṣyataḥ strī-bhāvas tat paścād vakṣyāmi.
ilāvṛte—in the tract of land known as Ilāvṛta-varṣa; tu—but; bhagavan—the most powerful; bhavah—Lord Śiva; eka—only; eva—certainly; pumān—male person; na—not; hi—certainly; anyah—any other; tatra—there; aparah—besides; nirvisati—enters; bhavānyāḥ śāpa-nimitta-jnah—who knows the cause of the curse by Bhavānī, the wife of Lord Śiva; yat-pravekṣyataḥ—of one who forcibly enters that tract of land; strī-bhavah—transformation into a female; tat—that; paścāt—later; vakṣyāmi—I shall explain.
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: In the tract of land known as Ilāvṛta-varṣa, the only male person is Lord Śiva, the most powerful demigod. Goddess Durgā, the wife of Lord Śiva, does not like any man to enter that land. If any foolish man dares to do so, she immediately turns him into a woman. I shall explain this later [in the Ninth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam].