इति तस्य वचः पाद्मो भगवान्परिपालयन् ।
अभ्यधाद्भद्रया वाचा मा रोदीस्तत्करोमि ते ॥९॥
iti tasya vacaḥ pādmo
bhagavān paripālayan
abhyadhād bhadrayā vācā
mā rodīs tat karomi te
iti—thus; tasya—his; vacah—request; padmah—one who is born from the lotus flower; bhagavan—the powerful; paripālayan—accepting the request; abhyadhāt—pacified; bhadraya—by gentle; vaca—words; ma—do not; rodīḥ—cry; tat—that; karomi—I shall do it; te—as desired by you. ¶
The all-powerful Brahmā, who was born from the lotus flower, pacified the boy with gentle words, accepting his request, and said: Do not cry. I shall certainly do as you desire. ¶