विदुर उवाच
स वै विश्वसृजामीशो वेदादीन्मुखतोऽसृजत् ।
यद्यद्येनासृजद्देवस्तन्मे ब्रूहि तपोधन ॥३६॥
vidura uvāca
sa vai viśva-sṛjām īśo
vedādīn mukhato ‘sṛjat
yad yad yenāsṛjad devas
tan me brūhi tapo-dhana
viduraḥ uvāca—Vidura said; saḥ—he (Brahmā); vai—certainly; visva—the universe; srjam—of those who created; isah—the controller; veda-ādīn—the Vedas, etc.; mukhataḥ—from the mouth; asṛjat—established; yat—that; yat—which; yena—by which; asṛjat—created; devah—the god; tat—that; me—unto me; brūhi—please explain; tapah-dhana—O sage whose only wealth is penance.
Vidura said: O great sage whose only wealth is penance, kindly explain to me how and with whose help Brahmā established the Vedic knowledge which emanated from his mouth.