sei kṣetre rahe eka vaiṣṇava-brāhmaṇa
devālaye āsi’ kare gītā āvartana
sei kṣetre—in that holy place; rahe—there was; eka—one; vaiṣṇava-brahmana—a brāhmaṇa following the Vaiṣṇava cult; deva-ālaye—in the temple; asi—coming; kare—does; gita—of the Bhagavad-gītā; āvartana—recitation. ¶
In the holy place of Śrī Raṅga-kṣetra, a brāhmaṇa Vaiṣṇava used to visit the temple daily and recite the entire text of the Bhagavad-gītā. ¶