Cc. Madhya 9.188


jagan-mātā mahā-lakṣmī sītā-ṭhākurāṇī
rākṣase sparśila tāṅre,—ihā kāne śuni


jagat-mata—the mother of the universe; maha-laksmi—the supreme goddess of fortune; sita-ṭhākurāṇī—mother Sītā; rākṣase—the demon Rāvaṇa; sparśila—touched; tāṅre—her; iha—this; kane suni—I have heard. 


“My dear Sir, mother Sītā is the mother of the universe and the supreme goddess of fortune. She has been touched by the demon Rāvaṇa, and I am troubled upon hearing this news. 

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