nṛsiṁha dekhiyā tāṅre kaila nati-stuti
siddhavaṭa gelā yāhāṅ mūrti sītāpati
nṛsiṁha dekhiyā—after seeing the Lord Nṛsiṁha Deity; tāṅre—unto Him; kaila—did; nati-stuti—offering of various prayers; siddhavaṭa—to Siddhavaṭa; gela—He went; yahan—where; mūrti—the Deity; sita-pati—Lord Rāmacandra. ¶
After seeing the Ahovala-nṛsiṁha Deity, Caitanya Mahāprabhu offered many prayers unto the Lord. He then went to Siddhavaṭa, where He saw the Deity of Rāmacandra, the Lord of Sītādevī. ¶
Siddhavaṭa, also known as Sidhauṭa, is ten miles east of the village Kuḍāpā. Previously this place was also known as southern Benares. There is a great banyan tree there, and it is therefore known as Siddhavaṭa. Vaṭa means banyan tree. ¶