Cc. Madhya 19.104


rasa-gaṇa-madhye tumi śreṣṭha māna’ kāya?
‘ādya eva paro rasaḥ’—kahe upādhyāya


rasa-gana-madhye—among all the mellows; tumi—you; srestha—as supreme; mana—accept; kaya—which one; adyah—conjugal love; eva—certainly; parah rasah—the best of all mellows; kahe—replied; upādhyāya—Raghupati Upādhyāya. 


When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu asked, “Among all the mellows, which do you consider best?” Raghupati Upādhyāya replied, “The mellow of conjugal love is supermost.” 

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