navadvīpe puruṣottama paṇḍita mahāśaya
nityānanda-nāme yāṅra mahonmāda haya
navadvīpe puruṣottama—Puruṣottama of Navadvīpa; pandita mahāśaya—a very learned scholar; nityānanda-nāme—in the name of Lord Nityānanda Prabhu; yāṅra—whose; maha-unmada—great ecstasy; haya—becomes. ¶
Puruṣottama Paṇḍita, a resident of Navadvīpa, was the eighth gopāla. He would become almost mad as soon as he heard the holy name of Nityānanda Prabhu. ¶
It is stated in the Caitanya-bhāgavata that Puruṣottama Paṇḍita was born in Navadvīpa and was a great devotee of Lord Nityānanda Prabhu. As one of the twelve gopalas, his former name was Stokakṛṣṇa. ¶